Tuesday 28 January 2014

Bible Study & Playgroup for Parents

Bringing our Children into our life with God

Bible Study Playgroup

This is for the parents. The intent is to provide a safe environment for children to play, be with and watch their parents while the parents study the bible.

Jesus, however, said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14

How do we bring the children into our faith, our passion for our living God?

We expect, just as the disciples did, that we should keep the little children quiet and not distract the speaker. Even today we don’t expect children to have a front row seat in Jesus’ audience.

A Place to Go With Our Young Children

We need a place to go with our newborns, one year olds, toddlers. We want to attend church with our children and shape what they learn.

Bible Study Playgroup Format

Bible Reading

Read the bible while children play near to let them hear and become familiar with the Word of God. If the first few years write the most permanent and basic levels of our memory, the Word becomes the very foundation for everything that follows.

What We Say

Discussing the bible and guarding our words.
Eager ears in youngest years.
What we say can be our greatest lessons for our children. Our children pick up everything we say and how we say it and how we view and treat the world around us.


Praying with our children and around our children becomes a part of their world and something they expect and practice. Giving thanks to God for our food, asking God to watch over loved ones and provide for our needs, we can see children doing the same.

Bring the Children

These are some meaningful ways to learn in the most profound times of our lives.

·       The first years of life form a person’s foundation.

·       Young children need and want to be with their parents, especially before they can speak.

·       Families are often apart much of the week. Church can be an opportunity to spend time together.

·       Everyone is included.

·       An atmosphere should also allow the very young to find their place in church and in prayer.

·       Children copy our example.

Readings and Discussion Topics


Following is a list of subjects to be discussed as the group forms. Once the group takes shape, more outlines will be created or the format will be structured around readings and questions brought forward by group members.

-Jesus welcomed children “Let the children come to me”

-“If you become like these children”

-children in the beatitudes

Optional Discussion

Not all of these questions will be covered as the most important aspect in this is starting a meaningful discussion.

 “And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit”. Luke 1:80 (read Luke 1:8-17, 57-80).

How did John the Baptist grow?

How did his father’s visitation and speech shape his life?

Discussion Ice Breakers

If the discussion is slow and participants are hesitant begin your own comments. For example: Observe, listen, and tell your child what he is doing now and what he will be. Reflect, pray, speak into a child’s life what Godly path is revealed to us.

Is there more that you may have understood from this passage?
Would someone like to share what they felt this means in their lives?
What did you feel this was about when you heard it?

What did Jesus do in his time to teach children?

“Let the children come to me” Jesus said.

Have we missed this part of His message?

What if we could provide an opportunity for parents and their children to hear the Word of God, pray and discuss godly parenting? What if we could discover what Jesus was doing or sharing that even the children noticed?

Parents with young children struggle to attend church and be filled with the Word of God at a time that they need food to teach.
The first years in a child’s life are the foundation for a lifetime.

Children absorb from their surroundings.


Contact Us                                 

Web: biblesandbabies.org

© Bibles and Babies 2014

Monday 27 January 2014

Please visit our new site

We are growing and changing... although it is still in the works, please feel free to visit our new site:


Monday 4 March 2013

Flan that panned out

Not sure if I should post this here or on my new baking site, I think this recipe warrants a mention here.*
In need of a birthday flan that was dairy free, I found a great recipe on two web sites, crum boss's filling and an easy sponge cake recipe which both took well to subsitutions and gave a nice flan..
(corn free because it is difficult to find organic corn products and I shy away from the new industrial corn).
I almost had a meltdown when flan was requested and I was told the birthday guest couldn't tolerate butter.. but it was easy, bake a sponge cake bottom in a torte shell, cut and indent and fill the top with custard, top with fresh fruit and maybe glaze with gelatin or jello (I skipped the glaze because it was going to be eaten within two hours and the fruits I chose weren't going to brown with air, and I didn't have time!)

Cake - cook at 350 farenheit for 20-25 minutes or until spring back/spongy to the touch

1 cup white sugar

The filling - dairy and corn free with my subsitutions:

2 cups almond milk (bring to boil in a separate pot, and whisk together the following)
  3 large eggs  (2 whole, 1 yolk, beaten)
  1/2 cup sugar
  1/4 flour
3 tablespoons coconut butter
1 tablespoon vanilla and /or lemon flavouring or other

Bring the milk and a small portion of the sugar to the boiling point,
then add some to the egg/sugar/flour to temper (which is to bring the mix to the warmer temp)
then pour it all back into the milk pot
and heat and whisk to boiling point to thicken.
Add vanilla and/or lemon flavouring.
Let cool immediately after adding flavours.

*now, because I didn't know if the almond milk and flour would thicken (as whole milk and cornstarch thicken together), I practiced giving thanks for my food. The christian naturopath reminded me that all food is from God and to give thanks, and the store clerk who barely spoke English randomly told me a story of her todler holding his arms up to heaven to say amen and give thanks after every meal. So in my suspense I gave thanks for the flan, and the mixture began to thicken nicely .. and the flan was absolutely delicious.

When the filling is cool, cover the cake bottom.
Garnish with fruit such as grapes cut in half, kiwi and orange slices, and some bright strawberries and what you like. (Any bananas or apples you might want to add are fine but will need to be brushed with gelatin or lemon to keep from browning.)

ciao.. dinner is ready

Tuesday 15 January 2013

How to Meet and Pray with Friends and Children

Still the question remains.. how does a new parent transition from church and bible study and prayer meetings to keep that aspect of life and incorporate it into parenthood?
Jesus didn't assign an apostle to wear a clown nose and take the children aside while he was speaking.
The children wanted to be close to him too and be with their parents to take care of them.

Saturday 12 January 2013

Meeting Format (open to change!)

There is no fixed agenda, just a generic order of:
-prayer to open,
-biblical reading(s),
-discussion of reading (personal impressions, personal experience..)
-prayer on topics raised by the reading or in discussion or in participant's hearts,
-prayer to close

This order can change. Sometimes an important topic comes up, or someone needs prayer or to share a matter of deep concern for support and guidance, or a prayer need is brought forward, or a reading needs more time than usual; the meeting can change its focus and resume the usual format in normal times. There may be one chairperson to open the meeting, or not. When all participants are present for the right reasons it goes so well. Sometimes someone needs a bit more attention for a bit, that's ok too.

Sounds a bit weak in a world that needs strong chairpersons or facilitators? That is because this is a place that really leans on God as the chairperson, the defender, the one who is really in charge. So rarely do we let go. Where else than in a place where each person seeks God can we anticipate and let God lead, if only to practice not being personally in charge for a moment in the day.

Monday 7 January 2013


Hi and thank you for dropping by!

Some basic foundations for Bibles n Babies:
These meetings provide an opportunity to get together with other parents in person or online, to attend and participate in prayer and bible study meetings, with our babies in tow.

-Respect for everyone's point of view
-Prayer in Jesus' name
-Bring your own Bible to read from
-Bring forward a biblical text to read and discuss
-Participants can speak on how the text or topic touches their spirit
-Led by seeking God's counsel

These are just to start and may be discussed and prayerfully tweaked, of course.

Looking forward to hearing from you!